Wednesday, November 15, 2006


美國標普500指數破位後, 牛市第三期進一步確認, 滅亡之前必先瘋狂, 現時才開始狂還是已接近尾聲, 怎識答? JR說, 當師奶們在超級市場不是談豬肉價而是豬南肉的期貨價時, 就要把所有商品沽清走人了, 或者, 凡是新股上市都大排長龍超額千倍, 個個街坊都開始講賺了幾多幾多的時候, 就是遠離股市的日子了(不要話比我知不如沽空, 牛市第三期做空軍想死易過)
息口到頂, 油價升不上, 經濟軟著陸, 資金離開債市商品市場進入股市, 方興未艾, 這不是peter的觀點, 是現時市場好友的觀點, 不妨收看CNBC.
索羅斯唱衰美國經濟但原來也偷偷入市, 詳情看peter明天在et專欄披露. 還有他的「投機心法」, 及他當年為何敢進攻英倫銀行沽空英鎊, 還有他與JR的恩恩怨怨, 要寫多一兩日. 這是屬於向大師學習的系列之一, 值得存起來.


Blogger rickyhkg said...

in these 2 week, my wife's mother was living in the hosipital and one of her neighbor is a 80year old old lady and she is a very interesting old lady who like to read " Mo Lam" fiction, 2 days ago i saw her son came and visited her , you know her son is 60years old, haha also a senior citizen! and then they talked about no.5 and said HEY just drop 2 dollars today! then i disturbed them said big devil was making trap for you all, and their faces both turned urly with suspect immediately, and then i said big devil was selling stock and your small potota was attracted to buy their goods via a lot of goodmouth news in the market.
it is a good market situation that we need to note! Haha !

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:51 PM  

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