"Dear all, sometimes, I think those low level dumb bells should be eliminated, sounds like Hitlar? sorry.The secretary of Mr. Ho phones to me again today asking why I had not issued a statement to correct her boss surname, as Mr. Ho is very upset about it. I tell her that I won't do that, but as a responsible journalist, I 'll write in the MT column next week correct it and apologize to Mr. Ho.I ask her if she has read my blog, she says no, and she even doesn't know about my new book, I ask her to buy one to her boss first and I'll pay her back, so that her boss can see what I have written about him and the company. She says she also attend the AGM but doesn't have any shares, I wonder if she has joined the vote that day.Anyway, in next year's AGM, I'll suggest Mr. Ho to fire her, who even doesn't know her boss is always badmouthed by a columnist, haha.Cheers."
Peter, you still have the heart! I mean a heart to educate and make the world better. To me, if someone is really a idiot, I will not care him/her at all.
You know, if you criticize someone, it means that you have put him or her in your heart. When you stop criticize/complain, you have already show your attitude.
So do you consider 610 as a cigarbutt?
1. actual nav is much higher than the current one (someone had mentioned already.)
2. 1098 will split out the Real Estate Asset for IPO probably in 2008.
1. The average volume is pretty low.
Thank you, Andy.
Kenneth, I have to study its balance sheet first, any idea on its debts and cash flow?
Peter, 你好. 我第一次在此出post, 以前一直都是read only. 我嘗試分析一下610的價值, 希望你給些意見.
我認為610是 cigarbutt, 但不是很大口的,合理價值大約$3.7-4.0 原因如下:
1.610是1098的控股公司, 通常控股公司都會比其持股估值有3成折讓. 即5$5.4*0.7= $3.78. 1098業務有公路的穩定現金流入, 提供現金做賣樓生意 令利潤擴大, 我認為前景樂觀
2.610是240的控股公司, 但240波幅太大,現價不能作準, 而且市值不大, 所以我沒有對610加任何估值
3.610其他業務有賺有蝕, 所以我亦沒有對610加任何估值.
bendog, 你這種計算方法是偏低了, 賺錢不多的部分, 也是集團的資產, 必須一併計算.
多謝指教, 看來peter你比我更看好610. 不過我在網上嘗試找關於610的新聞, 發現順馳在路勁入股前名聲不太好,例如
另外有兩篇文章對有興趣買610的人, 亦值得看看,
ben, 我只是覺得610表面不錯, 長期偏低管理層通常有問題. 要花時間再研究
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