Wednesday, February 14, 2007


轉了去新版,現時才可以登入,認真麻煩,美股大彈,因阿伯暗示快減息,事實上佢最驚樓市爆破, 不減息更待何時?
人話熱錢走了, 究竟去了那裡,明天看peter在et分析,
美元要跌, 金價要升, 大勢所趨,


Blogger mlchan69 said...

I think US dollar Interest rate will be flatten or just decreased a bit, as the inflation caused by high oil price still have impact on US economy. I agreed that US dollar will be depreciated in slow peace, and the national reserve or other fund will hold more gold instead.
How do you think about interest rate of HK dollar? In line with US dollar or still higher due to in flow of hot money?

7:29 PM  
Blogger peter said...

If the US lowers its rate, at least HK can keep its present rate, if not, hot money can manipulate by acting as leaving HKD assets to force the banks in HK to raise rate.

10:37 AM  

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