Monday, February 25, 2008


周先生突然出來開記者會, 好搞笑, 佢老人家幾十年來要拿個degree或MA, 應絕無問題, bowtie也是沒有正式上大學, 靠進修獲MA. 周先生今次只要是向民主派發炮, 向bowtie表忠心而已. 這不是歧視的問題, 現時請個新記者得要大學畢業啦, 周先生懶到去外國跑一跑拿個master學位也不幹, 又可以管吃重的公營電台和電視台嗎?
港台一向派係林立, 但其實好分等級, 周先生說得最對的是他做節目主持人是最次等.
有些人身為公務員 ,高薪厚職, 只顧自己, 這就是港台高層的活寫照, 這班人飲港英的奶大, 少數人在回歸後想歸隊親中, 但氣候不成, 為了飯碗, 還不是醜惡到底!
peter和這些人相識三十多年, 要搞到老同學反目成仇, 見怪不怪, 其實, 周先生坐得上位, 結果只會周生蟻, 信唔信由你!


Blogger Andy Yan, CFA said...

Previously I think Mr Chow is a smart man, esp when I read his book about how to interview.

However, when I see and listen to his press conference yesterday, I am sorry that he is not able to get his job done (i.e. cannot be the CEO of RTHK). It is because he changes his outcome.

Before that, his outcome could be being the CEO of RTHK and run the organization in a "good" way. But now, his outcome changes to "show the people that he is capable even w/o a degree".

There are now countless ways to obtain a degree. If he really feels shame not having a degree, he must have got it many many years ago.

Now he is only bull shitting.

Sorry, Mr Chow.

11:06 PM  
Blogger 豺狼 said...


4:19 PM  

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