今晚在等聯儲局議息, 估計不變, 要看會後聲明會否重返neutral, 令到下次有減息可能, 但以阿伯的功力, 看來仍是傾向於仍有可能加息, 看看peter是否估中, under阿伯, 滯脹係死症. 不過, 這對股市未必壞, 因為只是窮人及部分中產有難, 企業盈利仍可觀, 美股有得玩.
然而「六親不認」的清崎又有偉論, 玩美股早已「明升實跌」, 似是怪論但不是歪理, 且看peter明天在et專欄介紹和分析.
對於635今年, peter仍有比較大的祈望, 但最重要是面對票房和口碑, 若兩者皆好, 即可能拍續集, 到時賣玩具一定好過拍片了, 否則, 係咁先. 有關635的消息, 請多留言.
然而「六親不認」的清崎又有偉論, 玩美股早已「明升實跌」, 似是怪論但不是歪理, 且看peter明天在et專欄介紹和分析.
對於635今年, peter仍有比較大的祈望, 但最重要是面對票房和口碑, 若兩者皆好, 即可能拍續集, 到時賣玩具一定好過拍片了, 否則, 係咁先. 有關635的消息, 請多留言.
let's wait for the good news!
Peter, did u hear the rumors that US will attach Iran very soon?
Peter,十幾歲嘅對TMNT期望好大, 但對玩具就未必.....佢地話無(新意), 當然幾歲嘅又唔同講法. 無論如何, TMNT今個復活節實爆.
#1818出成績表, 表面睇, 可以講係超(靈)趕(紫) , 唔知Peter 點睇?
The rumur says that the attack will be carried out in April, yet according to the UN schedule, Iran will have two more months to comply. This is the compromise among the US, the EU, Rus and China.
Yet, there is some breaking news, the Iranian navy has captured 15 British sailors at the Gulf area.
The news is developing, with oil prices rise to over 62USD.
I still don't think war will break out very soon from the US-UK-Isreali side, but time tables may lead to disaster sooner that policy makers might have thought.
Read AJP Taylor's theory on the First World War.
崎, 最緊要係美國市場, 而不是香港玩具市場.
Peter, I won't pick up AJP Taylor book anymore, I read once in my schooltime, A-level history~~
US can't tolerate Iran cease to use USD, I think.
TMNT (Box Office)
Outcome Odds Total Bets Total Staked
21 Million (and under) 9/2 (4.50) 8 1752500
21.1 - 22 Million 7/2 (3.50) 1 50000
22.1 - 23 Million 5/2 (2.50) 0 0
23.1 - 24 Million 3/2 F (1.50) 0 0
24.1 - 25 Million 2/1 (2.00) 0 0
25.1 - 26 Million 3/1 (3.00) 1 30000
26 Million (and over) 4/1 (4.00) 1 35000
thank tim for the tip, I have also read some previews of the film, some say very good, some say old fashion, I agree that 585 is the winner, though the stock might have been overbought for the time being. US30s have great affection with tmnt, so I think it is also a very good chance for the revival of 635. Let's wait for the news from Walmart and other toy shops.
Cory, the currency problem is one of the factors for the coming war.
Tim, read my Saturday's column, I talk about horse racing and quote some of your words. But the main actor is Jeff, a trader in the US. I like his theory on horse and options, see if you agree.
當然同意。當彼此實力接近,再唔係講邊匹馬應該機會較突出,而係邊匹馬賠率比較值博;正如我指出職業投注集團之最拿手操作方式,係找出over the value對象下注。
You are right, so should have an eye on 585.
各位, 去蛇口休息兩天, 買些書.
Found some data about TMNT:
Released/Movie Name/1st Weekend/US Gross/Worldwide Gross/Budget
3/30/1990 TMNT/$25,398,367/135,265,915/202,000,000 $13,500,000
3/22/1991 TMNT 2/$20,030,473/78,656,813/ - /25,000,000
3/19/1993 TMNT 3/$12,419,597/42,273,609/ - /$21,000,000
Domestic Total as of Mar. 23, 2007: $8,600,000 (Estimate)
Turtle power conquered North America as TMNT ruled the weekend with an opening of $25.5M, according to estimates. The PG-rated toon averaged a powerful $8,183 from 3,110 theaters and collected an amount that was almost identical to the record $25.4M debut of the live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from March 1990. However, ticket prices were much lower 17 years ago and films played in fewer theaters so that hit's $12,661 average from 2,006 locations was more impressive. With few new choices for kids in recent weeks, TMNT was able to corner the market for young ones. However, long term success could be challenging as Disney will unleash its rival animated entry Meet the Robinsons this Friday.
Hi Peter,
is it right time to buy #635?
i haven't seen TMNT yet.i think that would be an entertaining movie for kids,not for me 30something. HA~HA!
I have made a little mistake on calculation of Imagi's profit share on box office. It should be about 30% minus US$35M.
It means that if TMNT can hit US$200M, Imagi can get about US$25M. The break-even point should be around US$120M.
Dear Tim, I think the total revenue from worldwide screen will be up to 300million USD, and there should be other revenue including DVD and other copyrights(I am not sure 585 can get how much %besides the movie tickets.)
Thank you Jimmy for your tip, I also think that Disney's Robinson is the main Easter rival of TMNT, in essence, Robinson is a class A movie, while TMNT is only a class B one, imitating as a Class A, haha!!
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