Tuesday, April 08, 2008


親藏獨份子在西方國家搞事, 甚至要搶奧運聖火, 擺明係受縱容, 如果保安做得好, 又點可以咁易「埋身」.
依家係科技時代, 手機都可以拍片, 如果真係有開槍鎮壓和平示威, cnn每個鐘都在播片啦. 明明係打殺槍(應去看湯漢斯做嗰套Charles傳記, 就知CIA點玩), 重話係受和平的出家人.
peter唔係擦中央鞋, 因為根本其對西藏政策長期失敗, 無神論敵不過黃教轉世活佛論. 但唔知點解達賴唔識發功感化中南海, 只是繼續讓西藏人吻他的腳指(真係發生過達賴代表返西藏出現呢種場面, 所以北京唔敢答應比達賴返西藏).
歷朝誰對少數民族最好? 似乎是「共朝」, 不過, 吃力不討好.


Blogger Andy Yan, CFA said...

如果保安做得好, 又點可以咁易「埋身」.

Absolutely! It is actually a badly directed drama. I am not sure the "true" story between the Chinese govt and Tibet, but I want to show you the conversation between my French colleague and myself.

French, "Andy, did you see the news about the Tibet monk, telling the media that the Chinese govt is twisting the story, and the Monks are innocent?"
Andy, "Yes"
French, "Why the Chinese govt is always doing this?"
Andy, "What do you mean by ALWAYS? and doing WHAT?"
French, "Doing the bad things and then lies."
Andy, "I am not sure 'cos I don't know the details of the story. Go back to the Tibet event, I am not the Chinese govt, or the Tibet monk, or the normal citizens there, thus, the comments from me will be unfair to anyone. Just like gossipping the private life of the celebrities, which does not add too much value to the story and my life."
French, "Well, true but .... (then he shuts up)"

Bias ....... sigh .....

8:31 PM  
Blogger Eddie said...


12:34 AM  
Blogger pisces said...

"歷朝誰對少數民族最好? 似乎是「共朝」, 不過, 吃力不討好."


9:07 AM  
Blogger George Lam said...

想問吓peter兄對於366 陸氏既睇法
佢已經出業績升5成, NAV $4左右

7:59 PM  
Blogger george said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:16 PM  
Blogger george said...



10:18 PM  
Blogger George Lam said...

哈哈, 我改名

12:49 AM  
Blogger 徹之進 said...


前愛股#258業績似樣噃, 你點睇?

2:07 AM  

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