Sunday, July 29, 2007

jr 最新指示

今日不僅要看mt, 還要看et的peter專欄訪問羅傑斯, 澄清一些坊間流言.


Blogger Unknown said...


Which page is it?

8:48 AM  
Blogger gaubinfor said...

Peter :
2007-7-31 你在 "經濟" 的專欄說 :

"日本眾巨企在8月要班資回國派股息, 對日圓也是利好因素."

我無記錯既話, 日本政府和大企業的年結日都係 3 月 31 日. 每年 3 月若日圓好似幾個星期前咁表面弱勢, 是否又會因 "班資回國" 因素轉番強?

7:24 PM  
Blogger Digital Analytics Learner said...


Agree you on the crude price will "easy to rise, difficult to drop". I can't see OPEC says the crude price is too high and increase the supply and when you see the crude price drops they will come out to say lower the supply.

One more interesting figures on the Brent crude price and New York crude price. Remember you mentioned that New York WTI crude price are usually more fluctuate and have less indication, while WTI crude oil price now raise almost similar to Brent Crude. Just curious any reason behind........

My view is currently war premium is a bit too high (remember that when crude price is $70, ppl are already talking about war premium?) I think curde price will eventually drop to around $65 - $68 and then start to rise again.

I sold all my 857 (partly due to Buffet), the main reason is the oil price is too high!

9:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


每年8月班資回國派息, 應該不是企業年結, 是收到美債的利息, 兌成日圓回國派息.

6:50 AM  
Blogger AC said...

hi, Peter
I am your fans for some time, and I like picking cigar butts. How long would it take for 635 to offer IPO? is it about 3 months? thanks a lot if sb can give me an answer.

9:04 AM  

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