Wednesday, September 26, 2007


緬甸軍頭開火了, 今次較為小心, 因為全世界看住, 班年青和尚夠吉士, 班大學生反而小心翼翼, peter當然有大把內幕, 唔看et唔知世情, 知道冇, 但香港人又唔去緬甸玩, 又唔影響個市, 關注程度只是受傳媒引導.
但唔識世界政經, 層次唔會高, 買股亦低班, 唔好怪peter認叻. jr70年代便發達, 就因為佢識分析世界, 當然soros做trader也是佢哋十年賺千倍的原因, 雙劍合壁, 誰可爭鋒!
美股又玩嘢, 數據差竟然話炒減息, 真相遲些係et話你知.
點解心情靚, 唔係估班軍頭好快倒台, 而係資金轉過來炒我啲新寵舊愛, 無人係呢度哭喪啦, 係唔係?
你重哭, 唔係扮嘢就建議你遠離股市, 閉關沉思三年, 或唸peter的寶書1000次, 包你功力直迫jr.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


周一peter賣大飽, 兩個專欄都講港股, 因為mt來不及談激成業績, 故et專欄頂上,
我會否goodmouth 184, you guess, haha.
我當然會讚俠女, 因為又有新嘢益股東.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


阿伯突減息半厘, 道指急升300餘點, 香港明天估高開400點, 淡友今次慘了, 不過, 阿伯討好市場, 不會有好結果.
衰退只能延遲, 不能阻止, 信唔信隨便你, 我估格老也會表示有問題, 雖然佢一向維護接班人, 今回新書出版, 要劃清界線了.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Very busy these days to check the market and Greenspan, you can see ET is doing special features on his book and remarks. I think he has overestimated himself, maybe he is a bit afraid of the present economic situation, so what he says actually is buying insurance. For HK market, I am "neutral", because the mainland money is really a big thing, and the Central has little choice to cool the mainland stock and property market.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

dead cat bounce

美國股市幾好樣, 升百幾點, 人們估減息有利經濟, 亦認為消費者會繼續消費. 但樓市數據隨時又會改變人心.253貨收得更緊, 今日又見ubs大旗手, 接著各類炒盤湧上, 追入you think you, 勿賴peter, 我也沽剩很少量,隨時全部散水,三個月升咗一倍不貪心了.大陸通脹,港股及涉中國股受制, 湯臣系屬於正常回吐,已在mt講明,暫較看好湯臣.玩具股處於中美風暴之前,宜小心.不過,635理論上無工廠係內地, 會否屬於made in HK 呢?布殊和拉登會講和, 你唔信就看看我在et的分析

Friday, September 07, 2007

new sell-off

US stocks tumble on very weak labour market figures which indicate the economy is in trouble, I myself suspect it might not be very bad, yet the market has its own way, hope the Dow would not lose more than 300 points tonight, otherwise there will be a big sell-off again in HK next Monday. I have picked the stock of the last quarter, you should know what it is. Read next week's MT. Today, I am writing about the another surge of oil and gold prices for tomorrow. Hope you like it and can understand more about how the bulls and bears fight in the gold market Have a happy weekend.. Cheers.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


近期鍾意講投資金句, 不如介紹peter從jr學回來, 再總結出來的金句. 詳情看明天et.
有讀友問現時可否買銀行股長線投資, 本應不阻人發達, 但老實講, 較早時跌市不買現時反彈後才買, 重話要長線, 就不如等一等好過了.
當然, 若信次按對匯豐的影響有限, 現時價格仍然低, 但我寧願買恒生好過.