Sunday, November 22, 2009


蕭公子及劉主編邀請和滿足peter仔的要求, 今周三(見報日)開始, 每周將為頭條日報撰寫拉濶投資專欄, 長約800字, 暫以三個月為期, 各位務必捧場及代為轉告新知舊友, 希望大家閱後都有進益.
最近一年, peter的政經x市場的論述只有在創庫坊節目表白, 如今, 有定期署名文稿, 應更利於傳播.
hoiyi, 電視節目明年可能每周增至兩次, 你通知更多女士們收看, 收視升就緊成事架!
新書在構想之中, 大家有什麼想看的留言比我, 暫時的主題是想講低風險高回報是可以實現的, 及解釋如何實現, 拆解peter的揀股秘密, 點解唔理升市或跌市, 一年來繼續可以在這裡介紹眾多超值股, peter係點做功課, 同班FRIEND點樣查證, 點樣對個別股票及行業跟進, 點樣弄通全球市場大趨勢, 怕且都幾好看, 嘩重有jr的最新教導, 黃大哥的必勝方程式.... 唔知各大出版社會唔會爭住要呢?
我咁懶, 緊係唔會自己出書啦!大錢係要留比人賺的.
2368近日表現唔錯, 在高位整固, 高處未算高!
258有回吐, 唔買就笨!
281有氣, 逐級玩波幅, 好好!
1225又想逆市開車, 都話會升到你唔信!
黃大哥呢牌玩緊606, 我私自透露比大家知.
我check緊941係唔係咸魚翻生, 重有隻2008高位買少少先, 望佢跌低過兩文慢慢收集. 
3330? 唱都無謂, 講早咗幾個月, 機構投資者無面子, 比黃大哥鬧啦!
市係要回, 年尾重要升, 出年頭有低位買, 講咗等於無講? 緊唔係啦!微言大義泥架.
暫定12月中同趙大導演一起去汕頭, 你鍾意香焦成熟時, 金雞, 定係老港或春田花花同學會? 佢啲電影咁勁咁有鬥心, 由佢伴我動筆, 包順利!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

鷹美大勝 要開工寫書!!

2368宣布亮麗業績,市場如夢初醒發覺好平宜, 又重演533的故事, peter仔今次精了, 慢慢套利, 大獲全勝, 無得再推,準備擇吉去汕頭搵間靚酒店開工寫書, 兼且去參觀2368最新的環保衣同埋north face雪衣,
嗱嗱, 賺咗錢啲兄弟姐妹, 日後記得每人買十本送比朋友, 應該會搞簽名會兼講明年全年全球投資大勢同港股走向,一起歡樂,好嗎?你又想問number?就唔係peter啲friend啦!!
我都話如果息率8厘pe8倍係唔係抵買, 結果, 市場知道3元係平價. 全年點計, 留翻係書先講啦! 總之, 我一定重有貨在手!
呢排都幾好, 隻車仔1225發力開車, 撞正美國有童車回收, 暫在一元休息, 我緊係有貨啦, 去得台灣上市, 無好嘢點推銷? 不過, 都無唱就已經累積升咗40%, 可能要另揀全年首選啦, 通常都係12月下旬先知道. 羅傑斯老師教落, 熱炒前買進.
有謂往績如此, 亂講都升啦! 緊係唔會咁做. 一年來只係衰咗隻308, 不過, 看完份報告都好難揀得落手, 好彩近期炒旅遊概念, 希望有貨的都有微利吧.
重有隻3330唔識升, 啲專家話煉金虧本, 查實上半年冶煉部分已轉虧為盈, 只不過有基金散倉(已宣布沽剩少於5%, 呢味嘢最煩), 短線無運行, 之不過, 全國金礦股都係計存金量, 3330個管理層如果重唔識煉金, 就全個河南父老都心傷啦! 黃易大哥就話唔使咁快買, 所以, 我都係買咗少少, 等吓走勢好轉或者接近宣布先算. 246怕且就好難再回到9個6比我再買啦.
一品呢排又大把新聞, 要問吓青姐點解258唔係好識升, 佢呢期係金手指, 一唱實升, 唔好又一升就散!!
奧巴馬訪華利好迪士尼概念股同新能源股, 大家有咩好介紹呢, 同peter仔分享吓. 升咗好多就唔好提出來啦!
金價? 印度國大党做咗擔保人, JR好放心! 魯賓尼搵交鬧, 自己丟臉!!
又一次要多謝鍾主席同埋2368所有員工, 他們的努力證明了紡織股也有真正令你無憂的龍頭!! 我從來都話, 價唔係問題, 最緊要係派高息, 忽然發開口夢:等我日後發咗達搬咗去一品住, 每年收2368息就可以大魚大肉,
書已經有書名: 金融海潚必勝術,低風險高回報之類啦........ 咁都得, 有同peter交流就知到得啦!!
peter仔, 唔好再懶了, 準備開工!! 本書邊個出? 寫好先算,有你哋撐實得啦!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Nouriel Roubini's 2009 Stock Market Calls Track Record Stock-Markets / Mainstream Media Nov 03, 2009 - 07:22 PM
By: Nadeem_Walayat

Nouriel Roubini, Dr Doom the academic economist who has repeatedly peddled the stocks bear market case to a captured audience of naive investors has again come out with another in a series of Doom stories to scare investors away from the market.
Contrary to the media hype surrounding Nouriel Roubini's market calls, his actual track record is truly appalling, which is suggestive of someone who does not actually trade his calls, therefore there is no real monetary incentive to face reality and change, instead what follows is a media machine feeding the mainstream press and publicity machine to perpetuate a myth of accuracy.
Nouriel Roubini's Stock Market Calls 2009 -
Back at the stock market bottom in early March 2009, Nouriel forecast that the S&P would fall from 676 to below 600 during 2009- Bloomberg :
“My main scenario is that it’s highly likely it goes to 600 or below,” Roubini said today in an interview at the Chicago Board Options Exchange Risk Management Conference in Dana Point, California. A level of “500 is less likely, but there is some possibility you get there.”
Then again a couple of weeks into the stealth bull market rally, Roubini emerges to state - Bloomberg - Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go ‘Belly
The global equity rebound in March that sent the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its best monthly advance in 17 years is a “bear-market rally” and U.S. Treasury yields will “remain relatively low” as investors flock to the safest assets, Roubini said. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s new plan to remove toxic debt from financial companies won’t be enough for insolvent banks, he said.
Though the academic economists that populate the bankrupt bailed out banks do not come out any better.
Merrill Lynch & Co.’s chief North American Economist David Rosenberg said today the S&P 500 may bottom out at 600 in October, lowering his estimate after the benchmark’s decline last week. That level is about 20 percent below November’s level of 752.44, which was then widely viewed as the “fundamental low,” Rosenberg said.
Throughout the duration of the stealth stocks bull market, Roubini has been WRONG, where he kept silent during the rally but soon as the market dipped for a few days - Straight Times - 21st April 2009
Mr Roubini, a professor at New York University's business school and former adviser at the US Treasury Department, also said he expected China's economy to grow up to 5.5 per cent this year, missing the government's 8 per cent target.
Hopes the world economy will stage a faster recovery this year have fueled a six-week rise in global markets, with major benchmarks on Wall Street and in Asia up more than 20 per cent over just six weeks. But Prof Roubini was doubtful and predicted markets would test the lows seen in March.
And again in the Independent on 21st April 2009.
While an increasing number of analysts have in recent weeks urged investors to go back into equities, Mr Roubini, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business who has emerged as one of the most respected economic voices in the wake of the credit crunch, warned yesterday that he didn't yet see a buying opportunity.
He holds little faith in the recent market rallies, which prompted some to suggest a recovery was underway. "I'm still cautious and bearish," he said. "I believe we are closer to a bottom in the stock market than a year ago, but this is a bear market rally."
Back in July as the Stealth bull market again corrected, Nouriel Roubini re-appears with another bear market call - Global Investor - Market bear Roubini sticks to dour forecasts
"Macro news, earnings news and financial shocks are going to be worse than expected and that's why I believe this is still a bear market rally," he told BNN
"I am more a realist than a pessimist. I'll be the first one to call for the bottom of this economic contraction, recovery of the market when I see a sustained economic and therefore financial recovery," he said.
And again Roubini came out of the woodwork at the tail end of the recent correction to peddle that a 20% drop is coming - USA Today - 28th October 09
"Investors are hoping for a V, but there are plenty of signs it could be a U-shaped recovery," he warns, adding that his base case — a 60% probability — is for a sluggish, U-shaped recovery. If his base-case scenario plays out, Roubini says, stocks will be ripe for a price correction of 10% to 20%.
Trading Lesson - Every time Nouriel talks about the bear market usually coincides with a market bottom. However this also suggests when Nouriel gets bullish it will be time to head for the exits!
The problem is that Nouriel Roubini and other academic's WILL eventually be right, i.e. he will eventually get his drop in stock prices. BUT those that followed his calls will have missed out on one of the greatest bull runs in history or worse lost money shorting the market, as basically where the stock market is concerned, Nouriel's actual track record shows that he does not have a clue!
And where economics is concerned, barely 6 months ago Roubini stated that the U.S. Economy would not recover from recession until 2010, and therefore plenty of excuses followed the recent U.S. GDP data. What is Nouriel Roubini's REAL track record on the economy ?
For more on the dangers of following academic economists see - Academic Economists Lead Governments to the Edge of the Abyss
Source :
By Nadeem Walayat

Monday, November 02, 2009


近日比較懶, 少上來update, 想聽peter意見, 請多看周三創庫坊的節目吧, 據悉電腦收高清都好方便, 最新看法仍然是美元有反彈無回升, 金價和金股宜炒上落.
靈金暫時無運行, 不過, 三文樓下沽壓不大, 我有信心. 另外, 246係9.6元樓下可玩上落.
258同281又再低吸, 上海迪士尼將拍扳, 悉了解, 奧巴馬月中訪華會由北京到上海, 到時應有喜訊云云.
眾所周知, 張江附近就是新迪士尼, 難怪川河的新開樓盤又熱賣完了. 如果識買a股, 可留意川河母公司之一的張江高科, 有世博概念, 有迪士尼概念, 還有創業板概念, 我近日才知道, 川河的掛名主席劉小龍先生是張江頭號猛人, 失敬囇!! 請比滿手現金的川河係張江參予多點吧, 下次股東大會希望見到劉主席和albert一齊做套好戲, 回報股東們多年支持!!
258在張江一帶有大片土地, 已簽約補地價和盤遷費共20億元, 足夠未來10年發展.
2368等宣布吧, 我對至愛當然有信心, 但唔會叫你高追啦!
請各位兄弟姐妹留意, 係本網誌不要問number, 而是提出自己的高見, 好嗎?
想大家幫手做個調查, 有沒有人知道, 近兩年在廣東和福建個別城市開baby用品連銷店名為「幼幼天地」的生意好嗎? 服務質素有改進嗎? 牌面上, 賣育嬰必需品, 包括奶粉和玩具的應很受歡迎, 如果在內地個別城市成功, 前途無可限量. 所以, 需要長期跟進, 聽講, 東菅和福州係主打城市, 有無人有料提供?