Dear all, thank you very much for going forward with setting up the forum. This will enhance our motives of learning and sharing.
Of course, whenwever we hear any stock numbers, do your homework first, before jump into the boat. I suppose all are mature enough to deal with the virtual reality.
I know nothing about facebook, any way, pls place this letter on the facebook ao that all can read it.
很多謝大家成立新的論壇, 雖然我不懂fb, 但也會為它祝福, 若有一些結論在hket.com留言要讓我做qc時, 可先加上三粒星, 讓我知道要處理, 謝謝.
此信也會同時在我的網誌發表, 雖然我近期工作忙較少更新, 但這始終是我和大家聯繫的最終渠道, 新forum可加上對這個網誌的追蹤, 便知道我有沒有新的發表, 一般地說, 這是廣告性質
為主, 例如每周一和周三下午可到tvb網站看我的直播, 周一看mt, 周三和周五看頭條, 整周看hket.com
Of course, whenwever we hear any stock numbers, do your homework first, before jump into the boat. I suppose all are mature enough to deal with the virtual reality.
I know nothing about facebook, any way, pls place this letter on the facebook ao that all can read it.
很多謝大家成立新的論壇, 雖然我不懂fb, 但也會為它祝福, 若有一些結論在hket.com留言要讓我做qc時, 可先加上三粒星, 讓我知道要處理, 謝謝.
此信也會同時在我的網誌發表, 雖然我近期工作忙較少更新, 但這始終是我和大家聯繫的最終渠道, 新forum可加上對這個網誌的追蹤, 便知道我有沒有新的發表, 一般地說, 這是廣告性質
為主, 例如每周一和周三下午可到tvb網站看我的直播, 周一看mt, 周三和周五看頭條, 整周看hket.com