I have told my friend club members and colleauges of my team about the birth of this blog, I hope with all their help, it will be developed into a big family tree with varisous links to friend's or colleague's own blog.
The world is flat, we can have friends everywhere.
And you should know I have good ways to seduce people to visit this site(give good numbers here, ha ha), by the way, how to set up a visitor number calculator or any other suggestions?
Pls email me, but pls don't use free email address, use company address or ISP address, or you will be ignored.
My email address? buy HKET tomorrow(with a free magazine), read my column at Money Times. You'll see my handsome picture(just kidding) and my email address.
And of course, you can read my daily column at the International page of HKET. Tomorrow I'll write about how Iran tries to prevent oil price from sliding.
對不起, 不記得寫中文, 事實上, 由於我的郵件中文變怪獸, 所以我回信時差不多必定是用英文, 但在網上, 要交的大部分是同志(志同道合, 不是gay)兄弟姐妹師奶阿叔, 總之, 是想了解現實世界及預知世情及想賺錢的人, 你看到後覺得有料到, 記得通知其他人來看. 如果收視零蛋, 就不更新了.
我在經濟日報有政經札記專欄, 在投資理財周刊有拉闊投資專欄. 所以, 我會常常在這裡為自己賣廣告, 但要有成績拿出來. 所以不妨查閱我過去兩年的投資推介, 計計有幾多巴仙的推介是上升.
今年初, 我的朋友會推介紫金(2988), 我推介怡邦行(599); 年中, 我下半年推介陸氐實業(366).
本周講的是黃易的推介, 在文內只吹陸氐又升幾多, 不過, 上周推介的湯臣(258)只是熱身, 可趁弱市上車, 市場無效率, 2.3元超值.