Friday, August 31, 2007


我習慣把格雷海姆稱為股聖, 在心目中, 他的地位較股神更高, 而事實上, 巴菲特是股聖的學生.
cigar butts原於股聖, 但為何巴菲特另開新途徑呢, 請看peter明天在et的解畫.
peter揀股很少跟巴菲特, 第一次買999以為是看到其內在終身價值, 衰咗, 今次買2369, 看看是否可真的變成中國的Blackberry!
上次話係自用, 今次正式推介, 詳情看周一mt專欄. 不是cigar butts, 故此訂下止蝕位.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


今次要介紹的不是peter的發掘超值股, 而是美國一名著名的貼士專家撰寫的專著, 充滿智慧, 指出輸家的特質. 這本書肯定可以打入非小說類暢銷榜, 估計可即時登上第一名.
peter明天在et簡介, 你也會被吸引去阿馬遜訂購.

Monday, August 27, 2007


JR對通脹有新的思考, 並提醒peter要留意, 明日記住看et專欄, 知冇?

Friday, August 24, 2007


美歐凡出現問題時, 都要轉移視線, 而妖魔化「共產中國」是最容易的事情, 但這樣的動作竟然亦發生在香港的官方傳媒某群人身上, 而peter也變成受害者, 不得不出手還擊, 詳情看明天et.
在研究2000跌勢時 , peter發現另一隻智能手機股, 但由於股價早已暴升, 講明只是自用, 不作推介,
你相信美國新屋銷售真的好轉嗎? 如果無人踼爆, peter遲些寫出來.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


珠珠事件將令到所有用真姓名的股評人變得保守, 提供股票跌三幾個巴仙就叫止蝕, 以求自保, 可見低層次者如何令到世界更愚蠢.
如果有細讀peter新書及每日et和mt文章的朋友, 應該可以不斷提高層次, 達到財務自由, 至於這個blog只是遊戲文章, 隨時會被嚇到收擋, haha.
對珠珠事件, 各位有何高見?

Monday, August 20, 2007

阿爺托市 美兩党講數

tim哥話阿爺今次出手好突然, 明顯是托港股. 歐美資周五臨收市狂買, 中資周一早市不執輸, 唔通都係春江鴨.
美股整固, 共和民主兩党高層即將就次按等問題講數, 可見樓市仍很煩, peter周二繼續在et分析, 供參考如何走位.
184係持久戰, 早就講過, 一係賣出清倉, 不要哭喪, 一係負起小股東責任, 與peter一起去開股東會. 當然peter還有唔少招數.....
再講一次, 短線要止蝕(特別係升了很多才追入), 長線不怕愈低愈買, 不怕買貴, 但不能買錯.
有無留意jr在本網誌的語錄: 熱炒前買進!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


誰是印度總統, 上網一查便知道, 但卻弄出了一個小風波來, 請看peter明天的et專欄.
mt專欄淡市推介現金多或容易套現的股票, 但你還敢買184嗎?

Monday, August 13, 2007


全球股市雖云反彈, 但力度成疑, 美樓市已成危機之母, peter在未來幾天et專欄會有全面分析(或會搬了去要聞版, 請留意)
對於順豪系, 相信跌市仍會走強, 所以必須懂得分別超值股(物超所值)還是炒股(垃圾扮寶)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


大時代來了, 有危亦有機, 明天peter在et專欄多講危, 在mt專欄多講機, 總之, 低價要夠膽買好股, 但亦要保持一定比例的現金. 铅筆費過墨水筆的日子, 要過去了, 大時代唯有價值投資法可以勝出!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Some friends tell me when you are barked at by a few complaining that they are losing money because of your recommendation, you should be happy as you can't expect all praises you and you should know that the barkers are born losers as most of them actually are not lost because of your recommendations, but they are only jealous of your success or you have kicked them out from your friends' list.
At first I am not sure, now I am totally agree with it. People can pretend to be anybody in the blog, but some complaints don't make sense at all. They have not often read my column or have ever studied my book and tried to make others believe how my articles have hurt them.
Is there any commentator stupid enough to promise what they recommend would sure win?Of course I am not the one, I always say I am an investor and a columnist, happen to have the chance to write something about the HK stock market.
Friends and readers judge my recommendations with results and reasoning, and in a few times, I say sorry in my column for certain poor results.
With 184, my pick of this year, even though there is argument between me and the management, which has driven the price done, but its current price is still almost double from the end of last year. And as a matter of fact, all my readers know that they had many chances to buy 184 at below 3HKD. (If you don't believe, check all my first articles on 184 by the end of 2006.)
And all my readers should have known when I say about the true value of a stock, it most probably is not the immediate target price.Do I ever say 253 will reach 5.4HKD? My targets are very humble, 1.4 and then 1.8HKD.
My target price of 184 was 8HKD, and it had already reached and then fell back and I bought some at relatively high price too. I of course I still believe 184 worth at least 13HKD, the only problem, I believe, and that is what small shareholders should fight for, no free lunch, a very good example with 184, and I promise you I am still fighting. And I need all registrate and attend all the shareholder meetings of 184.
I let every one post opinions here and don't censor them because I am a Wahyanite, a true liberal.So if you are a liberal, you should be proud of yourself too.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bernanke is a shame

JR ssys Bernanke knows no real economics, I have different thoughts, he knows real politics but a shame to be an economist, pls read today's ET column on the international page. See if you agree with me or not.
Small caps are diving, so we can watch the cigar butts again. Bargain time!! Remember rubbish stocks are not value stocks, should know the differences.

Monday, August 06, 2007


mt今期peter三股都表現尚佳, 懶理大市下跌及細價股股災, 所以若懂得發掘超值股, 可以買股不買市, 當然, 若大市再要跌多幾千點, 恐怕peter都無運行.
美股反彈, 因次按暫沒有新的爆煲, 而日圓亦回落至119水平, 對港股整體應稍有利, 事實上, 國企調整, 有利qdii入市, 鬼佬不買同胞買. 又是一場鬥錢多鬥貨多的game.
儲局今晚議息, peter先做阿伯的肚子蛔虫, 詳情看et國際版專欄. 明天則介絕jr的酒股推介.

Friday, August 03, 2007


近日很忙, 周五專訪JR, 也陪他接受電視台訪問, 他老人家愈來愈年輕, 我這個懶學生就扮準備和他一起做運動, 今次他只是順道經港返星, 但半日已接受了四個電視訪問, 他手到拿來, 頭腦靈活, 詳情看peter明天在et的專欄(他還破例向peter提供了一隻新貼士).
各地股市仍是大風大浪, 但peter手上有心水好股, 也有足夠現金.